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Helping You Take Care of Your Wellbeing!

If you are going to perform well in university you will need to look after your welfare. Your VP Welfare and Equality is here should you need any help, advice or a cuppa tea and a chat. 

What do you mean by ‘Welfare’?

Your Students’ Union cares about your Welfare- so much so we have a student Officer dedicated to it. But what do we mean when we say ‘Welfare’. Basically, it’s your health and all that affects it. Your physical, mental and sexual health all impact your college experience. We want to put you in touch with whatever supports or information you need to be happy and healthy.

What can the SU do for my Welfare?

We have a Welfare Officer and part of their role is to be available to talk with you. Sometimes you might just want to talk to someone who has recently been a student and understands where you are at. Your welfare officer can do that and inform you of any supports that might be of use to you.

What can the University do for my Welfare?

Maynooth University has many supports available to its students. These include the Health Centre or Counselling service. You can drop straight in to the Student Services building or you can pop into the Union first for a referral.

How can I get more involved in helping?

We have already put out a call for the Engagement Collective, which is a group for students, who want to be involved in events while also making friends. You will get to help in the running of all our amazing campaigns, as well as help with events to improve the daily lives of students! We will be working on loads of issues such as Mental Health, Physical Health, Diversity, Disability Awareness, Sexual Health and MORE, so make sure to get involved! You will get to meet loads of people with the same interests as you, do great work for the students, and have amazing fun while doing it! You can contact us on Instagram (maynooth_su) or email to get started!