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Advice for Money & Budgeting

Budgeting during college is often one of the biggest challenges for students, particularly if you’re starting university for the first time. But don't worry- there are supports available to you on and off campus that can help you get on top of things.

Budgeting Tips for the Struggling Student:

  • Plan Plan Plan: organising your expenses and making a budget can really help you keep on track with what needs payment and the money you can save for a rainy day. Draw out a simple budget and start from there!

  • Be savvy with your food shop: When it comes to being a student, food and transport is one of the biggest expenses in my experience. Try and shop in supermarkets such as Aldi or Lidl, they have a wide range of food for a small price. Making a meal plan and make a shopping list as this can also help when you go food shopping to ensure you only buy what you need instead of impulse buying.

  • Bulk up: Reduce food waste and buy small containers to store leftover food. It will help reduce the amount of money you will need to spend on meals every week as some days you can double up on meals and have it the next day for lunch/dinner. Such a valuable student budgeting tip!

  • Set a weekly budget amount: this tip is vital for students. It will help you discipline yourself to stick to the budget and keep any extra money you might have to save. Ensure this budget won’t restrict you too much though, be comfortable in what you are spending and remember if you need help always ask!

  • Sharing is caring: if you live in a student house why not try and do a big food shop between you and your housemates, this means food costs might work out cheaper and it could be a cool idea to take it in turns to cook dinner each night.