Physical Health

One thing that often goes down the drain for many students once they hit college is exercise. For many this is the first time you’re living away from home and your old routine is overtaken with new schedules and social circles. Even if you still live at home, being a commuter and keeping an exercise regime can also be tough at times.

I have to go to college, do all my work, eat healthy and now you want me to exercise too???

Yes, it can be difficult but it is possible! Keeping your body moving will help your overall health, even if it’s only a little bit each week. It’s recommended you exercise 30 minutes a day and it’s a lot easier to get and keep active than you may think…

1. Build it up:

Try incorporate an extra walk as a study break from assignments, or if you want to get away from your house mates for a while. T e’s a big green the back of St.Patrick’s College, South Campus which is lovely to go for a walk. Start off with adding a small bit of exercise and then gradually build on it as time goes on.

2. Find a Buddy:

Whether it be to join a Club or Society or just to go the gym, make a plan with a friend and it will give you the motivation to go and exercise together, not to mention making it much more fun.

3. Fun:

If you find a type of exercise you enjoy, it won’t feel like exercise. Make sure to try a variety of activities to figure out what suits you best!

4. Routine:

Fit exercise in your weekly routine and make a habit of sticking to it. After a while you will automatically just go exercise.

5. Reward:

If you have been really good all week it’s OK to let it all go one night and give in to pizza! Life is all about balance!

As well as getting enough exercise, it’s super important that you make sure you are getting enough water, enough sleep, and that you are eating healthy!

  • Aim to drink at least 2 litres of water a day! You will feel more energised and it will also help keep your skin clear and your body functioning the way it should!
  • Aim for 7+ hours of sleep a night! Top tips for getting a good sleep include:
    • Avoid having caffeine about 5hrs before going to bed
    • Sleep in a cold dark room
    • Avoid going on your phone/computer 1-2hrs before bed (If you really have to, get an app that reduces the blue light on your screen)
    • Meditation/Breathing Exercises/Stretching before bed
    • Eat carbs before bed
    • ?A sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes, so time when you’re going to wake up to coincide when a sleep cycle ends
  • Aim to eat healthy 80% of the time! Life is all about balance so we all need that cheeky takeaway every now and then, and it can be tough to find time to cook when you’re so busy during the day but a few tips can help keep you on top of a healthy diet:
    • Set yourself a lunchtime during the day: College schedules can be all over the place sometimes, so deciding in advance when you’re going to take lunch means you’re less likely to go snacking
    • Snacks: Who doesn’t love snacks? Make sure to bring healthy snacks with you throughout the day. Fruit and veg are great for this (and it’s a great way to get your 5 a day in). Vending machines are great for the odd treat now and then but they’ll burn a hole in your diet and your wallet.
    • Prep your lunch/dinner in advance: If you’re hungry you’re going to want to eat straight away, not take time to cook, so if you have your lunch ready to go you’re less likely to eat something unhealthy instead
    • Plan when you are going to cook in advance. Make sure you don’t leave it too late as you may find yourself putting it off if you haven’t set time aside


The Student Health Centre is an acute care/advisory service. The service is envisaged as an addition to the student’s own family doctor or specialist medical service. 

The Student Health Centre is located in the Student Services building on the North Campus. The Sexual Health Clinic is also part of the Health Centre's offerings.

Student Health Centre // Reception
(01) 708 3878