MU Academic Services

Maynooth University Academic Services

There are a number of great services available on campus to help you get the most out of your academic experience. While these services are always available when you encounter a problem or an issue, they can be most effective when you engage with them early; when you have a question, are unsure of something or forsee a problem coming up.

Academic Advisory Office

A place for easy immediate contact where all academic needs and rights are accessible under one roof, the staff are happy to help with any worries, issues or problems that might arise during your academic studies. They are here to be of service to you as students, the service they provide is beneficial to anyone who might be looking for guidance on learning and university resources.  The office can also act in an Ombudsman role for you and will provide impartial advice and assist or refer you, if necessary, to other supports available within the University.

It’s hard to remember where everything on campus and you might not know where the location of this office is let me help you, The Academic advisory office is located on the first floor of the Education House on North Campus.  The quickest way to get an answer to most queries is to drop an email to the office and then if necessary a follow on appointment can be arranged at a mutually agreed time.

Rose Donovan // MU Academic Advisor / (01) 708 3368

Programme Advisory Office

The Programme Advisory Office empowers students to make the most of their student journey at Maynooth University by assisting students with the programme choices they are asked to make during their degree.  

The Programme Advisor role is to assist undergraduate students with any questions they may have in relation to their programme choices including: subject combinations, transfer options, flexible pathways (major or major/minor options) or in the decision to choose a second year Elective.

The Programme Advisory Office has a Drop In Centre at the beginning of each semester in Rowan House. Students can also book a one-to-one appointment with Programme Advisor throughout the year via their online booking system.  Programme Advisory is located in Rowan House (Room 0,19 Ground Floor).

Catriona McGrattan // MU Programme Advisor / (01) 474 7428

Career Development Centre

The Career Development Centre provides information, advice and guidance to all current MU students and to recent graduates. The Centre can help you explore your options in terms of career interests and provide information on how to find jobs in your chosen industry.

They maintain up to date job listings of available graduate job opportunities, host employer on-campus visits (watch Events for more information) and provide information on postgraduate study options, CVs etc. You can also avail of one to one appointments with professional Careers Advisors, available daily here at Maynooth University, where you can discuss any career questions you have.

They are more than happy to assist you in working towards finding your ideal career. The Career Development Centre is located just inside the front entrance to the Arts Building.

The Career Development Office (website)
Open Hours (Term Time)- 10am - 12:30pm 2:30- 4:30pm (please email using MU student email address)

Maynooth University Writing Centre

The Maynooth University Writing Centre offers free, friendly, non-judgemental writing help to any student, undergraduate or postgraduate, regardless of course, degree or level. The support offered is primarily through one-to-one appointments, where students can discuss their writing with peer/expert tutors.  

In addition, Writing Centre staff offer writing workshops, support writing groups, engage in discipline specific work, and research in academic writing and related fields. 

MU Writing Centre (website)
One-to-one appointments can be booked by e-mail to
You should contact us at least five working days before the date on which you would like an appointment.