It's important that you Check the Register and ensure you are registered to vote in all national elections and referenda. Here's how you do it...
Am I registered?
You need to go to visit Enter your Provence and local Council area. You can then search your address and name. If you are registered you will see a screen with all the details.
I'm not registered- how do I get registered so I can vote?
Dublin Residents ONLY:
- If you live in Dublin- you can register to vote online at
Everyone else:
- Fill out an RFA1 Form. This is available for download here or we have copies available from the SU Info Centre.
- Post the RFA1 Form to the Local Authority for the address where you want to be registered by 25 November 2020. [Local Authority contacts Link]
NOTE: We believe it is unfair that anyone living outside of Dublin currently has no option to register to vote online. We are campaigning on this issue, so watch this space!
I'm registered, but my details or address has changed. What do I do?
You will need to submit an RFA3 Form (Link) and send it to your Local Authority.
More Elections Info:
Check The Register [Link]
Citizens Information [Link]
Local Authority Contact Details [Link]