Every MU student is automatically a member of MSU, but if you want to vote online in our elections or receive tailored communication you need to register online. Do it today!
Register with MSU!
Register Here Now
Every student automatically becomes a member of Maynooth Students' Union upon enrollment. However, to fully engage with your Union you need to register your details with us, this will allow you to; nominate yourself for elections; vote in online elections and receive tailored communication.
This really opens up the world of online communication with your Union. And remember, you can make changes to how you wish to be communicated with (or not!) at any time.
You will be asked to supply your contact details and details of your study (Year, Faculty, Programme of study etc.). We value your privacy and data rights. We will not ask for any unnecessary data and you can read our Privacy Policy here.
Register Here Now
Register to Vote Nationally
With the prospect of a General Election looming it is important that you register to vote nationally. This will allow you have a say at local level in councillor election right through to general elections and referenda votes.
Register to Vote:
- If you are unsure if you are already registered to vote already, check on www.checktheregister.ie
- Collect forms/return forms to us here in the SU, we will post it to your local County Council for you
- You can download the RFA form HERE
The three different stages of voter registration, made simple:
- Anytime up until 1st November, students fill out the short RFA form and get onto the draft register, which will become the live register in February.
- Between November 1st and 25th, people can still get on the draft register, it’s just a slightly longer form (the RFA1) and it’s called making a claim to the register. This all becomes the live register in February.
- When an election is called, you register via the supplementary register, and can get on this anytime up until 15 days before the election. Students can fill out the RFA2 form, which needs to be stamped by the Gardaí, to get on the supplementary register.
Check out all you need to know at voter.ie