The QQI 'CINNTE' Review for Maynooth University was recently completed and released. The SU welcomes a number of the commendations and recommendations- here is our initial response.
Maynooth Students’ Union welcome the recently published CINNTE Institutional Review Report written by the Review Team and will work in partnership with Maynooth University to help implement the recommendations in the report. In particular we welcome the following statement;
“The Review Team recommends that the University consider a pattern of regular meetings between the President and the President of the Students’ Union in order to enhance the partnership.” (Recommendation 12)
Meaningful and positive partnership should be the foundation of every decision made by both the University and the Students’ Union and this recommendation encourages that.
Maynooth University have recently completed quality checks known as the Cinnte cycle of reviews. Last academic year the University produced an Institutional self evaluation report (ISER) outlining the current quality assurance processes. Then reviewers, who were a team made up of academics commissioned by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), evaluated how effectively Maynooth University are maintaining and enhancing quality in education.
Maynooth Students’ Union took every opportunity to play a part in the review process. The Union proposed changes to the initial ISER, the Union Executive met with reviewers on numerous basis, and we helped coordinate groups of students from all demographics across campus to meet with the reviewers to ensure the student voice was heard.
The report also highlights the critical need for higher education funding in Ireland. The report highlights the lack of space, the increase of students sitting on the floor of the library eating lunch and the need for more capacity in support services such as counselling. These are all vital services for learners to gain a good quality education and are in need of prioritisation by the University and increased funding from the Government.
As Students’ Union President, I would like to thank the University for engaging with the Union proactively in this review. I look forward to working alongside the University and living by the 10 NStEP Principles of Student Engagement.
Katie Deegan
MSU President
Visit the QQI website to view the Report in full.