MSU Referendum

On Dec. 15th MSU will put 3 amendments to the MSU Constitution forward as part of a Constitutional Referendum

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On Tuesday 15th December the following motions (amendments) will be put to the Student Body via Referendum


Referendum Motions:

  • Motion 1: Do you agree with referendum motion (Creation of Part Time Executive Environmental Officer) proposed by the MSU Executive on 7 December 2020?
  • Motion 2: Do you agree with referendum motion (Creation of Part Time Executive Public Relations Officer) proposed by the MSU Executive on 7 December 2020?
  • Motion 3: Do you agree with referendum motion (Changes to Academic Representative Elections) proposed by the MSU Executive on 7 December 2020?

Information in relation to Motion 1, 2, and 3:


Do you agree with referendum motion (Part Time Executive Environmental Officer) proposed by the MSU Executive on 7 December 2020? 

  • The proposed amendment to the MSU Constitution, if passed, will result in the following: 

    • The creation of a part-time Environmental Officer position on the Students’ Union Executive Committee 

  • The part-time Environmental Officer will have the following responsibilities: 

    • The Environmental Officer shall have the following responsibilities that shall be performed under the direction of the President: 

    • Aid in the development and implementation of the Environmental section of the Plan of Work. 

    • With the aid of Full-time Officers, develop, coordinate, train, and recruit Climate Ambassadors. 

    • Be responsible for raising awareness of issues specific to the Environment, including but not limited to:– 

      • At all appropriate committees of the Union including the Student Senate and Executive, and 

      • To Academic Representatives. 

    • Ensure that basic training on the climate crisis is provided to members of the Student Senate, Executive, and the Academic Assembly. 

    • For the time being that the Union is a member of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and under the direction of the Student Senate, work towards the coordination of MSU with USI’s environmental initiatives. 

    • The Environmental Officer shall receive training, specifically in communications and media. 


Do you agree with referendum motion (Part Time Executive Public Relations Officer) proposed by the MSU Executive on 7 December 2020? 

  • The proposed amendment to the MSU Constitution, if passed, will result in the following: 

    • The creation of a part-time Public Relations Officer position on the Students’ Union Executive Committee 

  • The part-time Public Relations Officer will have the following responsibilities: 

    • The Public Relations Officer shall be responsible, under the direction of the President; 

      • For the promotion of the Union’s representational work, representational structures, elections, events, and campaigns.  

      • In the development of and the adherence to the communication strategy of the Union.  

      • For the Union’s Social Media and online presence.  

      • In assisting Executive Officers, Senators, and Academic Representatives in communicating and engaging with their constituents. 

      • The Public Relations Officer shall receive relevant training, specifically in communications and media. 


Do you agree with referendum motion (Academic Representative Elections) proposed by the MSU Executive on 7 December 2020? 

  • The proposed amendment to the MSU Constitution, if passed, will result in the following: 

    • Amend Article 14.4.2 from “Student Academic Representative elections shall take place before the first meeting of the Student Academic Assembly” to “Student Academic Representative elections shall take place before the first normal sitting of the Student Senate.” 

    • Amend Article 14.4.3 from “Notice of elections shall be given at least 20 days prior to the opening of polls.” to “Notice of all elections, with the exception of Student Academic Representative elections, shall be given at least 20 days prior to the opening of polls.” 

    • Amend Article 14.4.4 from “Nominations shall be open for the first 10 of these days, during which time no canvassing shall take place.” to “Nominations, with the exception of Student Academic Representative nominations, shall be open for the first 10 of these days, during which time no canvassing shall take place.” 

    • Amend Article 14.6 from “Nominations shall close at 12 noon on the tenth day of notice.” To “Nominations, with the exception of Student Academic Representative nominations, shall close at 12 noon on the tenth day of notice.” 


  • Notice of Referendum | Tuesday, 8 December 2020
  • Day 2 | Wednesday, 9 December 2020
  • Day 3 | Thursday, 10 December 2020
  • Day 4 | Friday, 11 December 2020
  • Day 5 | Monday, 14 December 2020
  • Polling Day | Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Official Campaigns

  • Students who wish to lead the 'Yes Campaign' or the 'No Campaign' may contact for more information

Town Hall

  • A Town Hall Meeting (open meeting to discuss the referendum motions) will take place on Instagram Live (@maynooth_su) on Monday 14th Dec. at 9.30pm
