MSU Bye-Elections, December 2020
Due to vacancies remaining in:
- Doctoral Postgraduate Representative
- Part - Time Course Senator
- St. Patrick's College Senator
and resignations received from
- Charity Senator
- Commuter Senator
- Mental Health Senator
MSU must facilitate 6 bye-elections to elect representatives to these roles.
Bye Elections will take place on December 15th on our Elections Portal.
List of Candidates
Nominations closed on Tuesday, December 01st. The following is the Candidate List
MSU Executive Positions
Doctoral Postgraduate Representative
MSU Student Senate Positions
Charity Senator
Abigail Goldrick
Carrie O’Neill
Florencia Perciavalle
Re-Open Nominations
Commuter Senator
Karla Doyle
Richard Flynn
Michael Grant
Lucy Christina Nolan
Re-Open Nominations
Mental Health Senator
Sharmyne Dullaghan
Shauna Dunne
Gemma Johnston
Jessica McMahon
Meadhbh Murtagh
Re-Open Nominations
Part-Time Course Senator
St. Patrick's College Senator Senator
Alexandra Balfe
Re-Open Nominations
Hustings (Q&A Session)
Due to technical difficulties experienced on Thursday night, the MSU has rescheduled the Hustings for the upcoming Bye Elections for the MSU Student Senate. These will now take place on Friday, 11 December 2020 from 6pm onwards. Due to the current environment, they will take place online via Zoom with a live stream of the event on the MSU Elections 2020 Facebook page.
Each candidate will be given two minutes to speak. Candidates will have an opportunity to answer questions submitted by the student body with up to 30 seconds per answer. Candidates will then one minute to summate. The hustings will be in the order listed above.
Join via Facebook: LINK
Join via Zoom: LINK
Charity Senator: Assisting the VP Student Life in encouraging members of the Union to engage in charity activities and initiatives organised by the Union and the University. See Schedule 1.2.3 of the MSU Constitution for more details
Commuter Senator: Assisting the Vice President Welfare & Equality and the Vice President Student Life in representing and addressing the needs of commuting students in relation to education, welfare, and student experience. See Schedule 1.2.5 of the MSU Constitution for more details
Mental Health Senator: Assisting the VP Welfare & Equality in campaigning, lobbying, and promoting awareness of issues that may affect the mental health of members of the Union. See Schedule 1.2.14 of the MSU Constitution for more details
St. Patrick’s College Senator: Assisting the VP Education and VP Welfare & Equality in addressing the needs of students of St Patrick’s College in relation to education, welfare and student experience. See Schedule 1.2.16 of the MSU Constitution for more details
General Information
Each year MSU looks for students who wish to play a significant role in the democratic operations of the organisation. A number of elections are held in order to elect the student representatives that will form MSU Student Senate and run MSU on behalf of the students of Maynooth University and St.Patrick's College, Maynooth.
Senator roles are voluntary and you must be a current MU student to hold one of these positions. MSU Student Senate sits at least 3 times per Semester. During these meetings you get to formulate and vote on student policy and shape the direction of MSU on behalf of our members.
Every year, students are elected into MSU Student Senate positions. Together with the 4 Full-Time and 6 Part-Time Officers officers they form the MSU Student Senate and play a key role in representing the needs and views of students, overseeing the work of MSU and informing MSU policy.
You can read more about the MSU Elections, MSU Executive and the other full-time and part-time roles here.