This year's accommodation search has different challenges. Here is our advice to some of your most pressing questions...

We asked you on Instagram for your accommodation questions and these were some of the most popular. Follow us on Instagram for more Q&A Sessions. We also have more general accommodation information available in our Housing Section.
Is there accommodation available for the exam periods?
South Campus accommodation is always a good shout for overnight stays during exams. You can find out what they have on offer here:
Is there any point getting accommodation for Semester One?
This is a tough one to answer and a lot of people are wondering the same thing. It will depend a lot on your own situation- how many days you are scheduled on campus, how far you have to potentially commute etc. Some landlords or homeowners offering digs might be open to flexible contract arrangements (paying for overnight stays rather than full weeks), so do ask if that might suit you.
Is the on-campus accommodation opening up in September?
We have been informed by the University that they expect their usual offering of 7 days per week accommodation across the full academic year will continue to be the offering for the academic year 2020-202. Any changes to this will be communicated by the University.
When do applications for on-campus accommodation open up for new students?
As things stand, there are a few answers to this depending on what type of student you are:
ERASMUS students will be asked to book their rooms during the week of 11 August.
New Post Graduate students (those who are in the first year of their course including international postgraduate students) will be asked to book their rooms on Campus on 12 August
CAO First Year Students will be able to book online in September - proposed date is 14 September 2020 at 10am. (To Be confirmed)
These dates are subject to change by the Residence Office. Check for updates.
Will many on-campus places be made available to returning students?
We don’t really know the numbers as they are set by campus accommodation. However, we do know that applications for returning students will begin on August 24th (Campus via Quiet Zone, Sports Scholars, Access Recommended, and Scéim) and August 31st (General Offering). All the information can be found here:
Will it be too late to wait until August 18th to book accommodation?
We know a lot of students are putting off their housing search until they know more about what their personal situation will be. This is understandable, as you may not be on campus as much as you thought. Also, commuter numbers will likely rise due to blended learning which may ease the pressure on housing in Maynooth. That said- the cheaper places will always be taken up early on. There is no definitive answer to this question, sadly.
Will on-campus students have to pay full price for accommodation if COVID-19 restricts the time spent on campus?
The University currently has no plans to offer flexible accommodation arrangements. As things stand, the bookings and payment arrangements will operate as normal. If we hear any different we will update you all.
I have another question about the on-campus accommodation...
Students have asked us about the requirements for the various accommodation schemes open to returning students and about previous disciplinary issues. We are not best placed to answer these questions. Your best option is to contact the Residence Office directly on or + 353 1 708 3322