A General Election has been called for the 8th of February! Are you registered to vote? We have all the info you need...

Am I registered?
You need to go to visit http://checktheregister.ie. Enter your Provence and local Council area. You can then search your address and name. If you are registered you will see a screen with all the details. If you can't find your name, we recommend you can ring your local council to see if you're registered. [Local Authority contacts Link]
I registered to vote recently, am I registered for this election?
There is confusion here. If you registered after Feb. 15th 2019 you would have been added to the Draft Register. However, this register does not become valid until Feb. 15th each year. That's a problem as this election takes place on the 8th. Some local Councils have said they will honour the Draft Register as it stands, but you are advised to check directly with them. If in doubt, request to be put on the supplementary register up to 15 days before the date of the election.
I'm not registered- how do I get registered so I can vote?
You will need to be added to the Supplementary Register. Here's what you need to do:
- Fill out an RFA2 Form. This is available for download here or we have copies available from the SU Info Centre.
- Get the RFA2 Form stamped by a Garda. There is a community Garda office in the Arts Block or you can visit your local Garda Station.
- Post/Deliver the RFA2 Form to the Local Authority for the address where you want to be registered. [Local Authority contacts Link]
- Tip: Mark your envelope 'Supplementary Register 2020 Application'.
Your local authority must receive this completed form by Wednesday 22 January 2020 - This is really important. Applications delivered after this date will not be processed until after the election on Feb 08th.
I'm registered, but my details or address has changed. What do I do?
You will need to submit an RFA3 Form (Link) and send it to your Local Authority. Again, your local authority must receive this completed form by Wednesday 22 January 2020
What next?
As long as you correctly submit the required Form before the cut-off date you will be sent a Polling Card which will tell you where to go to vote. bring along some ID and your Polling Card and you will be presented with your Ballot Paper. Then, it's up to you!
More Elections Info:
Check The Register [Link]
Citizens Information [Link]
Local Authority Contact Details [Link]