Official information from Maynooth Students' Union regarding the ongoing COVID-19 situation

Public Health Information
There is no vaccine for coronavirus.
To protect yourself and others from coronavirus (COVID-19), think about how the virus is spread.
Coronavirus is spread in sneeze or cough droplets. To infect you, it has to get from an infected person's nose or mouth into your eyes, nose or mouth. This can be direct or indirect (on hands, objects, surfaces).
You should:
- work from home if possible - if you cannot work from home, be sure to practice social distancing
- only use public transport for essential journeys - walk or cycle instead, if you can
- avoid places where you can't keep 2 metres apart from other people, where possible
- wear face coverings in public places, such as shops, and on public transport
- wear a face covering when visiting older people or other vulnerable people - be sure to practice social distancing for their safety
Keep this in mind. It will help you remember all the things you need to do to protect yourself and others from the virus.
Closure of MU Campus & Maynooth Students' Union
- Maynooth University has been closed for face-to-face teaching since 13 March, when all teaching and assessments moved online.
- University operations and research have continued, although with many staff working from home.
- There is currently no general access to campus for the public.
- All official communications about MU plans will be provided to staff and students via their official MU email account and on the MU web page.
The University has begun to recommence a range of activities in a staged and controlled way and will continue to do so over the course of the next two months based on government and public health guidelines, and a Return to Campus process that staff must follow.
The MSU Student Centre closed at 6pm on 12th March and will remain closed until the Return to Campus process has been implemented. This includes the SU Front Office, Meeting Rooms, Bar & Venue. Any bookings for the Venue during this time have been canceled.
- The MSU Student Centre is closed.
- The SU Bar, Venue & Londis Shop are closed.
- Student Officers are available, we recommend contacting them by email as they work remotely.
- MSU Staff are available, we recommend contacting them by email as they work remotely.
- Social Media will be monitored but we recommend important contact is made via email.
- EMail will be monitored but we cannot guarantee the usual response times as officers and staff will be working off campus.
Our representation and advocacy services remain remotely available during this time. Student Officers and staff members can be contacted by the methods detailed on our Contact List. Students who wish to make contact with an elected officer or our are advised to do so via email. We will also be responding to social media messages during office hours (9.30am-5.30pm).
Please be advised that we will be responding to calls, emails and social media messages on a periodical basis as staff will be working remotely. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
If you find yourself in an emergency situation please contact the Emergency Services on 112 or 999. If you urgently need to talk to someone the Samaritans on 116 123 (available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year).
MU Student Services
Student Services will operate a remote service with some exceptions and adjustments. Please follow guidelines of HSE and if anyone is displaying any symptoms do not physically come to the services.
- Student Services Support Hub: EMail general queries to
- Student Health Centre: Operating remotely, no drop-ins. Telephone-based service only.
Student Health Centre: +353 1 708 3878 | no appointments made via email, general queries to
- Counselling: Operating remotely, no drop-ins. Telephone-based service only.
Student Counselling: +353 1 708 3554 | no appointments made via email, general queries to
- Budgeting is operating a telephone appointment system, no drop in. Queries can also be emailed.
Student Budgeting: +353 1 708 4729 | queries to
- Chaplaincy Operating remotely, no drop-ins. Call-backs can be arranged by email.
Student Chaplaincy Service: +353 1 708 3469 |
- The Creche is closed.
MU Academic Services
Face-to-face teaching will not resume this Semester. University Academic Services will continue to operate, but most of their work will be done remotely.
- MU Library The Library will commence a gradual return to on-campus operations from 29th June. For the latest information please visit the Library webpage. For access to eBooks please click here. For more information on our online resources and subject guides please click here. For further information please contact us on or via LibraryChat from Monday-Friday, 9.00-17.00.
All current loans have been extended to April 19 2020 and there will be no fines incurred during this period.
- MU Programme Advisory are available for online appointments that can be booked via our online booking system:
We will be using Teams Live for the appointments. Appointments over the phone can be arranged via email by emailing
We are updating our year-specific webpages with FAQs from this week First Year FAQs | Second Year FAQs
Official communication from Maynooth University
You can find the latest updates from Maynooth University on its dedicated webpage:
Dealing with Social Distancing and maintaining Mental Health
As we enter another period of social distancing with colleges and universities closed, it's important that we all take care of ourselves during this period. While it can be difficult when our usual social networks are unavailable to us, there are ways we can cope.
- Have virtual coffee dates via social media
- Check-in with your friends and use social media to stay connected
- Source your news from reputable sources
- If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed right now, step back & take a few deep breaths.
- If you find things becoming too much reach out to supports such as SpunOut or the Samaritans
Continue to reach out to your friends and classmates in various ways over the coming weeks as isolation impacts everyone differently. Visit the Department of Health website for more hints and tips.
Employment Information for Students
Due to recent measures, many student workers will have been laid off work. A new Government scheme called the 'COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment' has been introduced. This new payment will be available to all employees and the self-employed who have lost employment due to a downturn in economic activity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The payment has a simple one–page application form and will be paid for a period of 6 weeks at a flat rate payment of €203 per week for jobseekers. It is designed to quickly deliver a social welfare payment to the unemployed and provide income security during this 6-week period. Once you get the payment, you'll have 6 weeks to apply for normal Jobseekers.
Full information on this scheme is available on the Government website:
Helpful Resources:
Maynooth University Guidance
Dept. of Education & Skills Guidance
Dept. of Health Guidance
Information for International Students from ICOS
European Centre for Disease Prevention & Control Guidance